John Paul continues to be, well, John Paul. He is loving all-day Kindergarten and doing well there. He received his first report card and we are very proud of his success, despite all the turmoil in his world. His favorite part of school is apparently recess and P.E. Many of you may know he is a sports fanatic, so this comes as no surprise to us. It's funny that he won't share too much about his days at school. I am quite suspect of a continued crush on a classmate and a new heavy-duty crush on his beautiful and smart teacher. Frankly I had no idea these things began so early!
He lost his first tooth and then quickly helped himself loose another. The teeth pulling has slowed down.....
He has started planning his birthday party. This has entailed his putting together a list of 59 kids to invite and giving us a few options of where to hold this party. We will be compromising on this. Somehow.
His class takes a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch today. Always a favorite.
He still idolizes our friend and neighbor, Steven, and is adding another friend and neighbor, Brian, to the list. The older boys come over often and invite him out to play sports. He is fortunate to have this outlet and activity.
Other than the above, he continues to ask a million questions and amaze us with his intuitions.
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