Friday, September 17, 2010

This Blog

Wow....this blog needs an overhaul! Over the next couple of weeks you will see alot of changes, from appearance to content. All suggestions are welcomed!!

Also, if there is anything you'd like to see or any topics you'd like covered, let me know. And feel free to do so anomylously.

And for you techies, if you know I am off the mark or have ideas for upgrades, please let me know.

Apparently, when I am signed in to the site, you will not be able to access it. Kepp checking back!

I also am going to email an invitation to come back to my site. If you want someone to be included, or maybe yourself, please send me an email address, either as a comment here or directly to my email,

Definitely time to update some pictures, bio info, and data.

Please visit SallyLand again!

1 comment:

brandy corbin said...

I definately want an invite. I check your blog everyday to see if there's anything new about the bravest person I know. Praying for you always! Love you
